similarities between athens and the united states

The purpose of. understanding of how the two city states differed after completing the reading students analyze a chart of statements that match either athens or sparta and must correctly, help your students master key information about ancient greece s two most famous city states athens and sparta most world history textbooks give an overview of the two city states but few take the next step of helping . The Lincoln Memorial also has a much longer entrance of stairs . Ancient Athens was an extreme example of direct democracy, in which every citizen was eligible to vote on nearly every decision made in government, and all officials were decided by random lot. Ever feel like the only difference between the New York Times and Washington Post is the name? The hunger for power and greed is ever-present in the likes of both democracies. Following the Persian War, the Athenians immediately began to build their empire, and continued to expand their dominance until their aggressiveness threatened Sparta and her allies and confrontation was inevitable. The United States cannot solve all of the worlds problems and while some nations want the United States to be globally involved, many others are joining together in an effort to curb American influence and ultimately American power. As conclusion, South korea democracy and the Athens democracy were similar by their method of grouping method and the voting method. I want to focus on two forms of historic government, that both reflect and contradict each other, that of the Athenian Democracy and the Roman Republicanism. Because each sovereignty ruled differently, they had different advancements in the areas of democracy especially in the people's role in the government, the method of voting and fairness of law., Like Mesopotamia, Athens might be well known for their system of law and order. What does Greece and the United States have in common? In ancient Athens, all adult male citizens had the right to participate in the Assembly and vote on laws. What is associated with stable air? One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. However, in some cases that deal with countries adopting democracy; the country elects to use the doctrine without any pressure or influences from prodemocracy groups. (Doc.3). Even in small Athens, with only about 30,000 citizens, this was not easy to administer. Sparta and Athens shared similarities and differences in their systems of government, militaristic focuses, judgment and views of women. Grammarsaurus Gold Subscription - 44.95/year INC VAT. Another similarity between the two city-states was their military prowess. This calculation uses our Cost of Living Plus Rent . During much of the Cold War, the United States focused on the containment of communism as part of a foreign policy designed to protect nations against domination by the Soviet Union (Alexander, 1995, p.22). Yet U.S. debt is already in the danger zone, dragging down present day growth prospects. One being that the Athenian democracy was exclusive. The gravitation towards elitism being shared between many citizens of both democracies. It hath been noted, wrote Hobbes, that Homer in poesy, Aristotle in philosophy, Demosthenes in eloquence, and others of the ancients in other knowledge, do still maintain their primacy: none of them exceeded, some not approached, by any in these later ages. The idea of free and fair elections as a democracy is simply giving a voice to everyone and giving them the opportunity to use it to influence government. With the Naval power being the strongest part of Athens military, this shows that if their fleet is depleted in battle, they still have a large reserve of people who would be able to assist with military, It does not require that every citizen knows the ways of the democracy, that it is it relies heavily on the interests groups, mainly that groups leader. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Earthquakes occurred, together with an unusual number of eclipses; and there were horrible outbreaks of plague. Alexander, B. They both allow men to vote. In describing his time, Thucydides wrote: For neither had there ever been so many cities expunged and made desolate nor so much banishing and slaughter, some by the war and some by sedition. When society itself is disrupted, even nature appears to rebel. As Caleb Carr states, The first year of the twenty-first century produced images that will likely identify the decade, if not the generation, to come: commercial aircraft, hijacked by agents of extremism, slamming into crowded, unprotected office buildings, bringing about the collapse of those structures and the deaths of thousands of people (Carr, 2002, p.3). This was one of the reasons that the terms in offices were short, in order to deter this human nature. According to Pericles the Athenians were the greatest people in the world. 2. In a democracy, arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally free. (Politics 1301 a2) And in an oligarchy, the poor are few, and the masters of the rich who outnumber them. (Politics 1290 a4) Plato believed that philosophers should rule as kings because they were seen as the ones to make the right decisions in the just city for they possessed the right, Governments history may not be known to its full extent, but it is safe to say that it is as It is always dangerous to mistake where you are, to lack the means for recognizing error, to believe that immediate success or successes earned to date indicate some newfound path to collective happiness. Copyright 1997-2023, Financial Sense. What does it mean that the Bible was divinely inspired? Both city-states also had a system of conscription, in which all able-bodied men were required to serve in the military. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". July 19, 2015, Those worried about Greece should consider the fiscal pressures on the U.S. (Photo: Pacific Press/Sipa USA/Newscom), Romina Boccia This is just of one of the factors that led the Athenian people to being on board with their democracy, something that Pseudo-Xenophon acknowledges as extraordinary. Peasants were used. Sparta and Athens had similar forms of government; both city states were in part governed by elected assemblies. In both, the government is run directly by the citizens. To this, I can only agree to in part. Apparently, we can so far discern many similarities between Athens and the United States especially during the stable, glorious and prosperous days of the . People have claimed that the United States is also a Democracy. Give at least 3 reasons to support your answer. Chinas Xi Set to Consolidate Control as Legislature Convenes, America Not Past Her Prime, Nikki Haley Tells CPAC, Merrick Garlands Unsatisfactory Answers to Senate Judiciary Committees Legitimate Questions. While the Greek government grapples with implementing these long-overdue yet hugely unpopular reforms, there is a silver lining here: Good labor-market and fiscal reforms can spur economic growth. Though other Greek cities set up democracies none were as powerful, stable or as well documented as Athens. A famous 17th century English political thinker, Thomas Hobbes, translated Thucydides history and offered the following words of praise. One fair thing is that all men were treated equally in some way. This world division is similar to the divide following the Second World War, when the United States and the Soviet Union, former allies in the struggle to defeat the Axis powers, essentially split the world into two camps. 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Athens vs. Sparta | Life Differences Between Athens & Sparta. In Athenian direct democracy all citizens voted and in an American representative democracy citizens vote for representatives to vote for them. With knowledge, The democratic society in Aristotles time was one with superiors (elites), citizens, poor (slaves); however over all they each add something to the democratic society even though there is inequality in their lives. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". In ancient Athens, legislation was created and enacted by the Assembly, which was made up of every citizen who wanted to attend and met 40 times a year. The balance of a Constitution is vital to know the right amount of rights between the wealthy and weak, but the most power will be won by the, The citizens participate in the music as well the activities which serves a great way for them to feel important as well as a way for them to blow off steam and enjoy themselves. Sparta and Athens were both Greek city states that dominated ancient Greece during the fifth century BCE. Perhaps the victor is spoiled by his victories; perhaps a nation that innovates cannot grasp the consequences of so many innovations piled one upon the other. In addition to a policy of preemption being exercised as part of the Global War on Terrorism, the United continues to intervene militarily in regions of the world where it feels its promotion of peace or human rights is more important than national sovereignty. According to the Congressional Budget Office, Such a large amount of federal debt will reduce the nations output and income below what would occur if the debt was smaller, and it raises the risk of a fiscal crisis (in which the government would lose the ability to borrow money at affordable interest rates).. At some point in time, most likely the past, when the population Description. Similarities About Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. I hope you learned some of the differences between the US and Athens government. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . How were the culture and government different in Athens and Sparta? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One of the few similarities that these two democracy have is, The democrats of Athens viewed the nature of people quite optimistically, allowing citizens to pursue the lives they wanted, within the broad limits of the law. And in the number of these is justly ranked our Thucydides; a workman no less perfect in his work, than any of the former; and in whom the faculty of writing history is at the highest. Hobbes argued that Thucydides history contained valuable lessons. Join the millions of people who benefit from The Daily Signals fair, accurate, trustworthy reporting with direct access to: Dont have time to read the Washington Post or New York Times? Direction and preservation of safety is vital to every society. Huntington, S. (1999). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. And the United States, like Athens, is hated for its power. The Athenians expressed a similar predicament when they said, Certainly they put up with much worse sufferings than these when they were under the Persians, but now they think our government is oppressive (Thucydides, p.81). First off, democracy is a system of government in which power is invested in the people who rule either directly or through freely elected represenative. In order for there to be democracy, the citizens must feel safe in expressing their views and in criticizing the government. However, the top rulers of Athens were elected, while Spartas were not. For the first time in the eurozones history, the exit of one of its member countries became a very real possibility. The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. The fundamental distinction between Ancient Athenian democracy and US democracy is that the Ancient Athenians had a direct democracy in which all persons entitled to vote would vote on all issues. Rise of City-States: Athens and Sparta - Year 5 Geography - What are the similarities and differences between my region and the Western United States? Both the United States and the Soviet Union built empires following the Second World War, with most nations in the world falling into one of the two ideological camps represented by the superpowers. In United States, 3.9% of adults are unemployed as of 2018. According to this, Athenians were divided into four classes, with political power distributed among them. In what way were Athenian and Colonial American democracy similar? Explore the economic, political, and cultural differences between Athens and Sparta. THE COLD WAR The U.S. economy is much larger and better diversified. Ironically the term democracy is the most used term to describe the American government even though it has little meaning in our government today., One thing that the ancient Greek affected western civilization is politics. The highest offices went to those people whose land produced 730 bushels of grain, while the . In June, Greece defaulted on a 1.73 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund. Originally published in The National Interest, The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. The similarities do not end with the structure but also there are similarities how citizens view democracy and who should lead. Sparta had two kings. Its main allies are the United States, France, Italy, Bulgaria, the other NATO countries, Cyprus and the rest of the European Union. 1. They both had the same method of voting the governors and the president of their country by grouping many people of citizen as much as they can.But the Athens had no free choice to vote as like the South Korea. This early attempt at a fair and equal government run by the citizenry was unprecedented, and it served as a model for all the democratic governments that came after it. November 30, 2017, Jecinta Morgan, Leave a comment. Athens played a very selfish role as a power, something that fits more rightly with the time. When it comes to ancient Greece and the U.S.-China relationship, the most prominent comparison is the " Thucydides Trap ," made famous by the political scientist Graham Allison, which uses the. One difference is that US has a representative democracy and Athens has a direct democracy. Even though the Greek's notion of democracy is dramatically different from our current democracy, it has been one of the most influential philosophies that have shaped the political thought of the United States. However, it is important to note that . Pillar, P. (2001). The End!!!!! The major powers, on the other hand, would prefer a multipolar system in which they could pursue their interests, unilaterally and collectively, without being subject to constraints, coercion, and pressure by the stronger superpower (Huntington, 1999). In a republic, citizens still have high power but use that power to elect representatives to govern the state. Romina Boccia focuses on federal spending and the national debt as director of the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation. The revolutionary socialists and Islamists are eager to kill, persecute and destroy. They both allow men to vote. 5a. (Select all that apply) But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Unfortunately, there is no way to promote American interests abroad without promoting the American way of life. New York: Random House. The gravitation towards elitism being shared between many citizens of both democracies. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. And we have lost our common sense in matters of family and personal behavior. Romina Boccia In a national referendum shortly thereafter, the Greeks strongly rejected European conditions for receiving yet another bailout. We will discuss those arguments and how they conflicted and which one had the more convincing argument. Hastedt (Ed. I would also like to keep in mind with my evaluation that it is often easier to criticize than it is to compliment. a falling barome What made Thucydides relevant for Hobbes in the 17th century, what makes him relevant today, is the likelihood that the destabilized Greek world of Athens is a model of future destabilization. The enemies of Athens were merciful and reasonable. There is currently no real alternative to global US leadership and the vast majority of challenges facing the world in the near future will be borne by the United States. Slaves were used. Greek society was similar to the society that most of us enjoy today because it was full of a rich culture. a steady barometer There are numerous, and I mean numerous Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures dedicated to Israel and its emminent fall, so there is absolutely no way we will be able to cover them all. From the latin meaning (radical - radix, which means root . Pericles stated that he wanted all citizens to have an equal opportunity to serve the public. The United States, like Athens, believes that its way of life holds the key to prosperity and liberty for other nations. This differentiated geography lesson focuses on presenting data from the comparison study of the Western . Additionally, Ober goes on to state If we take democracy to mean what ancient Greeks took it to mean political power wielded actively and collectively by the demos (i.e, all residents of the state who are culturally defined as potential citizens, regardless of their class or status) then Athens was a democracy. Athenian democracy contributed to the rise of democratic ideas because Athenians were the first ones to develop the 3 separate branches of government (executive, judicial, legislative). The Athenian Democracy and The United States Democracy were very similar yet quite different. In comparing Athenian democracy to modern US democracy, I believe that nothing fundamentally has changed, we just allow ourselves to believe things have changed. An example of a political privilege can be use by citizens in Greek was that laws were voted upon and to able to nominate by the assembly of all citizens. Explanation: Yes very much ur a lil late but oh well thank u I hope this helps you Advertisement mundellriley Answer: they both can vote hope this helps!! Similarities between US and Athens are that US and Athens have a democracy. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Spartan society, on the other hand, was a militant society whose economy was based on farming and conquering. That meant as the laws In an effort to maintain its dominance, the United States continued to stress the promotion of democracy as a primary focus of American foreign policy. Structure of Government We rarely see the danger, and the abyss opening at our feet. Athens had an organization of government by the Council of 500. Finally the legal system was less challenging in Ancient Athens., The ancient Greeks first had the idea of a democracy, or government by the people. At the federal level, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other health programs consume more than half of the budget, and spending on these programs is growing steeply. What does Greece and the United States have in common? What are the similarities between the United States government and democracy in Athens? Athens had become the most powerful city in the Greek world, energized by a new form of liberty. President Bush outlined in the national security strategy of the United States a policy of preemption that put the other nations in the world on notice: the United States would protect itself and its interests, with or without support from other nations, and without being attacked first. Some of these policies, such as a disregard for national sovereignty or a policy of military preemption, cause resentment and fear among other nations and sometimes lead to conflict. Caleb Carr asserts that, Epochal moments belong rightly to history, and it is history that holds the only hope of providing an understanding of the twisted road that has brought us to this frightening pass (Carr, p.5). The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Everything is changed forever, and much is lost. would grow and/or change to the population the government would have to grow and/or change a cold f The foundation of the United States is built on three unelidable rights. This goes to show a fair side of Greece. The United States, like Athens, believes that its way of life holds the key to prosperity and liberty for other nations. 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These aspects of American life were often in contrast to the values and traditions of many nations in the world who were not receptive to American influence and American power. In the fifth century B.C. There is a fine line between a democracy and a republic although there are some similarities. Citizens of Athens did everything and made decisions based on reason. Each has defined city-states that act as a separate political entity from other city-states. Like Ancient Rome, Athens had separate branches of government which helped them organize and maintain society. a rising barometer How are Athenian direct democracy and US representative democracy similar? It was a better way of life, they believed. In addition to their governments, the two cities had a democratically elected assembly whose members people elected.

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