hoi4 change ideology command kaiserreich

Flanders now has its own separate annexation mission. Commune of France's Savoy focus now bypasses if Switzerland is socialist. Improved the tooltip for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies urbanisation national focus, to clarify its effect. Fixed the event for inviting countries to Centroamerica factions targeting the wrong country. Adaptation of Waking the Tiger planes for KR. Increased the Netherlands starting stability. Fixed and improved old Egyptian decisions, Fixed Egypt instantly getting rid of illiteracy, Fixed Yunnan being able to peace out with Japan due to Burma, Fixed Stalin being killed by Patagonia while in Russia, Bolivia no longer gets the Fate of Northern Chile, Fixed the USA not being able to purge the Longists. New England no longer has to be at peace to open safehouses. Fixed Ottoman resistance effects not being properly cleared, resulting in the Ottomans and Turkey not receiving cores in several states. The Ottomans granting self-rule to the Assyrians, under Canadian intervention, will now return resource rights to the Canadians. Fixed Sardinia and Sicily constantly giving territory to each other. Three Principles focus for Tibet now brings it out of isolation, as intended. Argentina can now always attract Spanish immigrants, since the war is inevitable. Rebalanced many Dutch national focus durations. Removed a bugged Shanxi decision description. The Left Kuomintang now gets a claim on Tawang in the Renounce the McMahon Lines national focus, if they already own the state itself. Fixed the Ottoman Empire inviting a buffer state Persia or Afghanistan to the Association of Muslim Nations. Fixed a missing ambition area for Serbia. Fixed Centroamerica being formable if all nations in Central America are independent, but on a non-Centroamerican faction. Fixed Russian Socialist Republic not coring Central Asia correctly. The Left Kuomintang now gets wargoals on KMT tags that refuse to ally with them. Replaced some Bulgaria icons with better choices. Renamed several Portuguese victory points in Africa. Added transport planes icons from By Blood Alone. Slightly tweaked some Japanese economy and infrastructure-related national spirits. Fixed Shandong getting the League Collapse national spirit when it shouldn't. The Left Kuomintang now releases puppet Indochina and Vietnam led by the VNQQD. Fixed countries not getting annexation missions if in wars with civil war participants. Fixed another case of Jabal Shammar being wrongly re-puppeted to the Ottomans. Added two military factories to the effects of Persias national foci. Pablo Gonzlez Garza now becomes a Field Marshal for Mexico after he seizes power. Countries that leave the Cairo Pact through national foci now peace out with any non-neighbouring enemies. Fixed the alignment of the MarLib ideology icon. Revamped the post-coup politics of the Manchu Coup path for Qing, involving updated events, new national focus effects, potential coalitions and rebalanced national spirits. Added a unique description for when the two RKMT governments join the Southern Nationalist Group. Added three new flavour events for Turkey. Console command to change ideology? Updated the icon for a Socialist Republic of Italy national spirit. Fixed Canadas army national spirits not applying correctly. Rwanda and Urundi no longer spawn during the Mittelafrikan collapse. The remainder of the former rework to Kaiserreichs naval system has now been removed, bringing the naval system fully in line with vanillas, save for names. Suppression needed per resistance point has been increased, but manpower lost to resistance has been reduced. Fixed Australasia not becoming a republic on release by non-Entente countries. Fixed the Pacific States president not correctly transferring to New England. If obedient, Fengtian will still attempt to balance its internal factions, and may become rowdy, but should not declare war. Fixed the Serbian aeroplane purchase event resulting in a lockout. The South African Federation and Southern Rhodesia can now join the Entente after winning the Boer War if the Entente abandoned them. The Ottoman Empire now removes any guarantees it had when turning into Turkey. Fixed Ottoman unrest effects being triggered on non-core states. Standardised Chinese submarines naming systems. Fixed countries being unable to join the Internationale after the Commune of France has been capitulated and then restored. Fixed two South African by-election results not firing properly. Brazil now drops its guarantee on Uruguay if they go socialist. Germany should now focus a bit more on the western front. Adjusted the requirements for SocDem Lithuania to turn RadSoc, taking socialist Russia and other neighbours into account. Added descriptions for the remaining Turkish leaders. Changes to flags in some South American states, Allen Dulles has been added as an operative for New England, Couped Moderate USA Vice Presidents will flee to the PSA, Increased PP gain for the communist Patagonia. Germanys allies are now also prompted to return lands if the Halifax Conference was successful. Fixed the inability to produce certain starting light armour variants for several countries, due to having two secondary Heavy Machine Gun modules. Fixed Germany stealing a puppet Poland from Austria. Spain can now bypass certain focuses depending on its level of social breakdown, Carlist Spain now always receives the cores it should, Sabotage event no longer fires for Spain at the start of the game, Romania now loses Belgrade Pact opinion modifiers when it leaves the Pact, Italy can no longer join Austrias faction when at war, Fixed Stamboliyski being killed off if Bulgaria is annexed by Serbia, Fixed Greek monarchy cosmetic tags being sometimes misapplied, Tuscany and Italy can no longer both be ruled by the same person, Austria can no longer restore a dead Wilhelm zu Wied in Albania, The annexations of Bulgaria are now much less likely to leave odd leftover territory, Socialist Bulgaria can no longer join the Donau-Adriabund, Fixed Greece being locked out of focuses after losing the Balkan War. The Greek Civil War revolt now spawns its own units, to avoid making Greece even more manpower-starved. Added Wilhelm Mnzenberg as a potential leader for a socialist German puppet. Fengtian advisors no longer boost their factions popularity, if they have lost power. Fixed puppet Netherlands not being able to access its tree. Fixed Haiti getting docking rights from Germany, instead of the other way around. Fixed Guatemala spawning factories in states that they dont have cores on. Added Arsenije Jovanovi as a general for socialist Serbia, removing him as an advisor for Montenegro. Fixed the Spanish Civil War not firing if the CNT-FAI won an invalidated election. Ported over the vanilla name list for Dutch ships. Fixed Xinjiang event removing the same unit leader twice. The Ottomans now lose their ambition areas outside of Anatolia, upon becoming Turkey. The LKMT will no longer intervene against Lianguang if their civil war is ongoing. Sdwestafrika receiving support from Germany against Ovamboland will now delay South Africas intervention. Now all in Sakhalin. Fixed the loc for MacArthur restoring the Vice President when he fled to the Pacific States. Fixed Tang Jiyao leading two parties at once in the UPC. Updated Sdwestafrikas national focus durations and tweaked their economic tree and its effects. Fixed all remaining cases of units spawning in the middle of the Taklamakan during the war in Xinjiang. Fixed a Cambodian annex event not transferring land to German East Asia. Adjusted the stats for some Scottish commanders. Fixed PRI being locked out of its naval tree if not a puppet of the USA. Uruguay now needs to take care of Black Monday before doing any economic focus. Monarchist Bulgarian-lead Yugoslavia is now known as the Tsardom of Yugoslavia, rather than Kingdom. Giving Galicia to Poland now actually gives it to Poland, not to Austria. All intra-Chinese alignment is now represented by the puppet system. The Tocata event chain for NFA now fires correctly. Thank you. The Chinese United Front faction has been reinstated, which can form if China is attacked by a foreign major. Isolationist countries can no longer send volunteers in the early game. Added a custom tooltip to Qing for the warlord division reorganisation event, and clarified loc to reflect the actual time needed to reorganise divisions. Tweaked the requirements for the Princely Federations faction-joining national foci. Fixed a Combined Syndicates focus swapping the Militias national spirit, after the end of the American Civil War. Finland's coring decisions are now compliance-neutral. Changed the Head of Army trait for Yunnans Zhu De. Added a Wilfred Owen loading screen quote. Added a unique leader for Mongolia which has been puppeted by the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Sichuan turning Federalist after being puppeted by the Left Kuomintang. Fixed the Papal States annexing the Socialist Republic of Italy in the white peace. Fixed a crash to desktop due to Honduras having a ship with no set variant. Added a failsafe to peace out Siam and China in the Fading Sun when they only border each other via Yunnan. Fixed the British-Irish Words events not firing. Fixed LKMT not being able to form the East Asian Nationalist League if already a faction leader, and not being able to negotiate with its allies. Fixed Russia retaining access to Mongolia, if Sternberg is toppled. Fixed Donau-Adriabund Poland being able to declare war on Germany without consequence during the Weltkrieg, via justifying on another Reichspakt member or a country guaranteed by Germany. The is now more of a delay before Rhodesia and Natal join the Entente during the Third Boer War. Fixed FNG not getting cores on China when released by Japan, XSM will now give Chamdo to Tibet when releasing them, Fix your eyes, youve been reading the patch notes for too long, Fixed the Roads to Riga idea not being removed if Riga dies, Removed a meme description from the Persian Balochistan focus, Fixed the DEI focus tree building factories on INS states, Fixed a missing Sichuan loc entry and a typo, Fixed Yunnan not getting claims on Sichuan when forming the KMT government, Fixed Sichuan retaining cosmetic tags when puppeted, Fixed Japan getting the Fading Sun after annexation, Fixed Iceland staying in the Reichspakt's wars after breaking free from Denmark, Upon completion of the Cod War in Iceland, a unit is generated so that they have some form of defence for naval invasions, Added missing vanilla tooltip about extra aircrews. Reduced passive stability gain by half for the Ottomans. Added new temporary national spirits to the Ma Clique, Mongolia and Tibet, to speed up their war. Slightly increased New Englands starting unit count. Fixed the Fate of Puyi event firing when the Left Kuomintang annexes the Zhili-led Republic. Fixed the CSA game rule when they joined the Internationale when they were supposed to stay seperate. Switzerland got a more lenient trigger for its conscription law demobilisation, hopefully keeping SWI from being forced to demobilize when the game starts. Added two songs from Kaisercats latest production, The Divided States. Fixed the Commune of France getting locked out of the Liberate Iberia national focus. Germany is now told Finland is joining their faction, and can say no, The West Indies Federation now leaves the Entente for a brief while before Canada attacks it, allowing it to ship its men home, The Legation Cities can no longer ask Zhang Zongchang to accept a loan when he is dead, Some sanity checks (in the form of bypasses) to Yunnans political tree, Canadas re-entry into the civil war after the Deal with the Devil ceasefire ends has been fixed, Indian focuses to gain cores on Burmese lands now also gain them claims to Burmese claims, Young Roland Griffiths-Marsh now does not appear for Australasia as a possible operative until after the 1939 elections (no luck, authoritarians), Sardinia AI will no longer release puppets in Italy until after its made the decision to either be the Kingdom of Italy or Sardinia-Piedmont, Fixed some of Russias war decisions so theyre more aggressive, instead of waiting to take the decisions should they be in *any* war, no matter how small or remote, German East Asia and Mittelafrika will now properly peace out with Reichspakt enemies when Germany falls, German East Asian and Mittelafrikan armored cars now have German names instead of generic ones, Japan should no longer enter a loop of rage if it is denied food aid, The Beijing Reunification Conference event should now have functional localization, For those people with La Resistance, the entire roster of generic operative portraits has been replaced with custom KR portraits; a number of countries also have a few unique, historical operatives in their recruitment pool, Added a system for the AI to demobilize its economic and conscription laws in the later game and reduce its overall number of units. Renamed Frances Barn state to Labourd, and tweaked its borders. Improved the AI focus priority for Dutch East Indies. Minor tweaks to the map in Southwest and West Africa. Added game rules for Chinese splinters to be boosted. Increased and clarified the requirements in Manchu Qing attempting to hold up a democracy. The Argentinean Immigration decisions now require at least 50% stability to be taken. Fixed several bugs involving the Fate of China annexation event. "Any Romania that won't join attack against Austria is a dumb Romania that deserves all the bad" - the Romania dev. Slightly decreased the World Tension from the Italian Civil War. Fixed the Left Kuomintang's decision to negotiate with Lianguang breaking due to the latters civil war. Changed TV Songs advisor trait for the Left Kuomintang. Improved the Dutch and German AI at defending against sea invasions from the Union of Britain. This is also potentially available to Ukraine. Slightly reduced the cost of some of Patagonias decisions. Limburg is now part of Germanys ambition area. Mon amie est thalandaise et trs attache la cuisine asiatique. A significant rebalance of the League War, including unit limits, equipment changes, and AI tweaks. Adjusted the duration of two of Mittelafrikas national foci. Fixed the display date of the Left Kuomintang election. Updates to Bulgarias ai factors - should hopefully make their path selection abit better distributed, especially when it comes to the democratic (and subsequent Fatherland front) paths. The Intermarium will be disbanded if Ukraine chooses to become isolationist. Improved Germanys AI in naval position and national focus completion priority. Added a warning to the Republican path for Serbia, that when they form Yugoslavia with too much NatPop popularity, they will get Nation of the Three Tribes focus tree instead of United States of Yugoslavia. Fixed Shanxi annexing the Ma Clique if a player Mongolia/Tibet refuses the Ma Clique peace event. Fixed the decision weight for LKMT recalling its generals from India. We hope you enjoy it all the same! Figed Insulindia expansionism decisions missing AI factors. Socialist Greece now annexes their puppet Cyprus the same as other ideologies. Fixed an invalid French division template. The Dominion of India now starts with artillery already researched. New voice-overs in Peninsular arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Swiss German, Icelandic, Azerbaijani, Farsi, Lithuanian, Bulgarian, Khmer, Burmese, Amharic, Berber, Bambara, Albanian and Hindi language for their corresponding tags in-game, Tank models from Axis Tank DLCs are now in for German Empire, Japan and their own dependencies (the Italian ones are left aside for now), Fengtians Incorporate Local Patronage Networks focus now grants legitimacy, Reduced Prince Kotohitos chances of dying considerably, Fengtians Fortress Manchuria decision now gives only 1 bunker per tile, Fengtians The Grand Marshals Proclamation decision now displays its date limitation to the player, Fengtians Open the Propaganda Front decision now requires the suppression of the regionalist movement, Added stability and war support maluses for the higher levels of LEP Tsingtau Collaboration, Japanese aid cut to Fengtian now consumes fewer civilian factories, Fengtian can now denounce German Imperialism if GEA holds Qingdao, Converted a number of MTTH events to be triggered, improving performance, Hawaii can no longer join factions if at war, Added a line to the Legation Council decision category explaining the observer status of certain parties, Sudwestafrika now gets the same Colonial Government status as MAF and GEA, Increased the infrastructure in Dalian to compensate for Japan not being able to use Fengtian's air bases, Liangguang can now take its focus to join the KMT if CHI/YUN isn't a faction leader, Added Russian renames for Finland, the Caucasus and Constantinople, Added Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani renaming, The Chinese integration decisions now require actual ownership of the states, Hunan is actively being worked on and should come in a later hotfix, Fixed a large number of CTDs caused by bad templates for CHI, Fixed several syntax errors that would cause event chains in China to fire in the wrong order, Fixed the Legation Council being unable to remove Germany, Iceland has a few more restrictions on focuses, Mexicos totalist oil focus now cannot be taken if the oil decision has been taken first, and vice versa. Russia-Japan peace events will now transfer the conquered territory to Transamur if it is a puppet of Japan. Improved the French Republics AI in dealing with counter-invasions from the Union of Britain. Updated the flag render for socialist Norway. Tweaked the effects of some late-game Paraguayan national focuses. Updated Argentinas foreign policy national focuses to account for puppets. Lowered the population of South West Africa and has a single factory. Added Zhou Enlai as an advisor for the Left Kuomintang. Slightly tweaked the timings of the Mittelafrikan revolts. Added a cavalry template to Finland, for suppression. The Sarajevo Accord faction is now lead by the Ottomans instead of by Austria. Buffed the national spirits for liberal Ottomans. Added two new Shanxi-related loading screen quotes. Added many new unit models, most courtesy of MI2 by McNaughton, Redid and added many focus and idea icons. Fixed mentions of a Haitian civil war when one did not occur. Merged the Labrador and New Quebec states in Canada. No more coalition for 1948-1952 US Democrats. Only AutDem Russia led by Dmitri Romanov may now form the aristocratic republic. Fixed a non-socialist Holland decision appearing for the socialists. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, lose, Eragaxshim, Fbruchmueller, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Heres 0.14 The Duke and the Hertzog, less than a month after our last release! Salmon, Guy Simonds, James Somerville, Henry Maitland Wilson, Combined Syndicates of America: Israel Amter, Daniel Hoan, Frank Johns, John Llewellyn Lewis, Asa Philip Randolph, Eleanor Roosevelt, Frank Zeidler, Commune of France: Raoul Castex, Georges Catroux, Galicia & Lodomeria: Hnat Stefaniv, Dmytro Vitovsky, Great Britain: Arnold Leese, Harold MacMillan, Hawaii: Jack Hall, Jack Denichi Kimoto, John Henry Wilson, Japan: Tanzan Ishibashi, Arahata Kanson, Tetsu Katayama, Nobusuke Kishi, Yoshida Shigeru, Legation Cities: William Fairbairn, Francis Festing, Cornell Franklin, Katsuo Okazaki, Soong Tse-vung, Reginald Tyrwhitt. The American Union State can now complete its naval tree if it chooses Trade Interdiction as its doctrine. The limit never goes below 5 units, and some countries receive special bonuses (usually temporary) which add to that final total. JBS no longer puppets itself to a dead OTT. Patagonias national focus to economically support the Third Internationale during the Second Weltkrieg is now available for all paths (previously it was restricted to only 2 paths). Polands Plan Wschd will now check if the controller of the relevant state is not in a faction with Poland, instead of not being controlled by its owner. Fixed the Princely Federation pulling Japan into a war against the Bharatiya Commune. Revamped the puppet system used for non-Together for Victory owners so that the overlord is informed when the puppet level changes, Re-fixed the bug where the final stage of the UK getting ships from Canada/Australasia doesnt cause a crash when the naval group is selected, The Belgrade Pact will no longer disband if Romania is its only member and drops out to fight its civil war, ACW countries are now disabled from generating wargoals on each other during the Rocky Mountain Ceasefire, as opposed to the AI just being discouraged. Fixed an inverted East Turkestan consumer goods modifier. Added some extra volunteer limits to KMT-Yunnan, so a player can help out KMT-GXC or do funky stuff after uniting China.

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