nihr doctoral fellowship interview

Participants are required to review the declaration for the role before confirming participation as part of the one-click confirm process. Shortlisting took place on the 12th October 2020. Careful thought should be given to a) the experience of your chosen supervisors, b) maintaining contact, and c) the potential for difficulties of communication and conflicting opinions and advice when there are more than two supervisors. You should now allocate the individual staff member costs to each year of the research, allowing for increments. NIHR Academy . There is no registration fee forNIHRfunded trials. Further information for those applying for a Knowledge Mobilisation Advanced Fellowship can be found in Annex E. The NIHR is partnering with a number of industry and charitable organisations to offer jointly funded NIHR Partnership Fellowships. It should be noted that being a signatory to Concordats or holding bronze/silver status from the Equality Charters isnt a requirement of funding and evidence can be provided through other means. This is in line with the, NIHR policy on clinical trial registration and disclosure of results, It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. An infectious disease of long duration, such as HIV or hepatitis C. The overall remit of theNIHRis early translational (experimental medicine), clinical and applied health research, and social care research. Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. Methods for sharing study progress and findings with study participants. There is further Guidance for the completion of the form in these Applicant Guidance Notes. Guidance Notes for NIHR School for Primary Care Research Primary Care We encourage all applicants interested in applying for a jointly funded Partnership Fellowship to contact the relevant partner to discuss their research area of interest before they apply. External Consultancy costs must be fully justified in the Justification of Costs section. Our purpose for collecting information is to communicate with you about your application and have the necessary information to evaluate you for a grant. When justifying staff costs you should also provide the % amount of time input of each member of staff and link this to the specific area/work package of the proposed study where this input will be taking place. Proposals from other types of institutions/organisations should leave this section blank. This tool is designed to capture the different costs associated with clinical research and attribute them accordingly. Doctoral Fellowships are three years Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) in duration and may be taken up on a part time basis of between 50 and 100% WTE. This is in addition to additional benefits that come from being funded by the charity partner. Please note all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy. You will be required to include the Head of Department from your Host Organisation. In partnership with your local R&D office, we encourage you to involve yourlocal CRN teamin discussions as early as possible when planning your study to fully benefit from the support theNIHRCRN offers as outlined in theirStudy Support Service. Indirect costs should be charged in proportion to the amount of research staff effort requested on the funding application form. TheNIHRis using the definition set out in the 2018 Academy of Medical Sciences policy report,Multimorbidity: A priority for global health researchwhich is: The co-existence of two or more chronic conditions, each one of which is either: NIHRhas defined a strategic framework forMLTC-M research which can be foundhere. No later than 1st July 2022 Interview outcome 1st September 2022 Pre-doctoral Fellowship start date Application Process All applications must be submitted to before 5 pm on 23rd May 2022. This type of activity can also be referred to as implementation and implementation research. As such the findings of researchers funded by the programme are incorporated in to theDepartment of Health and Social Care Freedom of Information Publication Scheme. Individuals with experience in applied health/social care or clinical research can look to utilise the Advanced Fellowship to transition to become a future health/social care research leader competent in clinical trials. These costs are calculated on the basis of TRAC methodology. You may have: In addition, you may use the Advanced Fellowship to undertake innovative knowledge mobilisation (to support the more effective use of research knowledge), whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. Find your local one at . Every person eligible to take part in research should be offered the same opportunity of taking part in that research regardless of: Applicants should demonstrate how these factors have been considered and addressed in their proposal, including steps taken to ensure the research sample is representative of the population the study is targeted at. Recently completed or be about to be awarded a PhD, but havent yet established yourself as an independent researcher, Established yourself as an independent researcher or you are in the process of doing so, but are not yet recognised as an international leader in your field. Where appropriate applicants are encouraged to read theMRCcomplex interventions guidance. Proposals will also involve close collaborations with the users of the research within the health and social care setting. Select the one option which best describes your professional group. Advice on applying for a NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship These Fellowships are awarded on the basis of quality. Dissemination, Outputs and anticipated ImpactThe purpose of this section is for the applicant to describe what the outputs of the research might be, how these will be disseminated and what impact there might be. For Advanced Fellowships, which are between 2 and 5 years WTE, you will need to select the number of WTE years and % WTE requested and the total duration of the award will be automatically calculated in months (Annex D). Fellowships - University of Reading This statement should be tailored specifically to the applicant, their research and training needs, and include how the organisation(s) intend to support the applicant to develop their research career in the long-term. They have undergone measures, provided blood, urine and saliva samples for future analysis as well as detailed information about themselves. We appreciate that the impact on research can come in many forms, and will vary according to the professional background, level, nature of clinical demands and type of research so an explanation of the impact and its scale will be more valuable than a simple figure for lost time. This information will not be used to make decisions about funding. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship is a three year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in applied health or social care research. The signatory must approve the application AFTER the applicant has selected the submit option but BEFORE the application submission deadline. Research support is referred to in the literature as mentorship and there are numerous models to be found that could be employed. Overheads (estates and indirect costs) can be included for CTU staff costed into the application. Track record of Host Department(s) in the research area being proposed. For Round 9 of the Fellowships Programme, the NIHR will be partnering with Pfizer. Please note the salary figures need to be calculated using the current annual costs (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs), %WTE and number of months. Two internationally-renowned research groups at the University of Leicester are to be bolstered with a group of new researchers following Fellowship Awards of more than 2 million from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). For the purposes of social care studies treatment costs should be interpreted as intervention costs and should be included in the proposal when needed. Read more. When entering details of your current and previous positions please indicate at what percentage (WTE) in each post you were undertaking research. Attributing the costs of health and social care research and development (AcoRD). Only publications relevant to your application should be included. Information and resources to assist you can be found on the INVOLVE website (, briefing notes for researchers on how to involve patients and the public, involvement cost calculator and budgeting guide, Provide a clear explanation of the health or care problem to be addressed, the impact on patients. To be eligible for an NIHR Advanced Fellowship you must: We encourage all applicants interested in applying for a jointly funded Partnership Fellowship to contact the relevant partner to discuss their research area of interest before they apply. IJERPH | Free Full-Text | Partnerships at the Interface of Education Where the study is still ongoing or final results have not yet been published, please provide an estimated publication date. These proposals will include plans for undertaking innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. A. To start an application, you will need to go to My Applications and select New Application. A clear and plausible path to patient /service user, carer or public benefit must, however, be demonstrable. All candidates will need understanding of the research and theoretical underpinnings of knowledge mobilisation practices, and to be able to apply this to the development of a substantial research component in their project. Fellowships are between 2 and 5 years Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) in duration and may be taken up on a part-time basis between 50% and 100% WTE (Annex D). Ten years of NIHR research training: who got an award? A retrospective For clinical/practice applicants applying for a full time Doctoral award only, up to 2 sessions per week (i.e., 20%) may be allocated to clinical/practice time for service and/or training. Find out more on thePROSPERO website. Applicants need to explain who they are planning to recruit to ensure inclusivity of study participants and justify and explain any exclusions, for example by completing an Equality Impact Assessment. We will only fund primary research where the proposed research is informed by a review of the existing evidence. Full details of the support INVOLVE can provide and contact information is available via the INVOLVE website. The purchase cost of pieces of equipment, valued up to 5,000 excluding VAT, will be considered. Where you are working with a CTU please include a supporting letter. Please see the 'Application Submission Process Flow Diagram (Annex C) for further information. Please note that all of the steps described here need to take place before the deadline of, Should you require assistance in completing the online form, please contact the NIHR at 0113 532 8410 or by emailing. Please note some of the responses to these questions are automatically pulled through from information you have entered in the , Please also include in the Role in Research Grant box for each entry: registration number and name of registry and the DOI of the main related publication. Applicants should no longer include open access costs as part of their application. Individuals with experience in applied health/social care or clinical research can look to utilise the Advanced Fellowship to transition to become a future health/social care research leader competent in clinical trials. Please outline the processes that will be put in place to ensure the research described will be well managed. be proposing to develop a career as a methodologist in one of the areas listed above. NIHR Clinical Lectureships (Medical) Guidance for Recruitment and She received 243,663 for a study testing a novel . In addition, with the move to 2 rounds per year, it wont be permissible to apply to the same scheme within 12 months of making an initial application. Some programmes may offer opportunities for additional support pre- or post-PhD. INVOLVE have produced a number of useful payment-related resources which can be found at the following link Plus we've got some amazing social workers through our aprentiship scheme - Scotland is not participating in this round of the programme. For each stakeholder group you need to be clear about how they benefit from your proposed research and, where appropriate, how they have been involved in the development of the application, as well as the plans for their involvement in the proposed research. Proposals must show a clear link to improving disease outcomes and/or improvements in health. 7. Wellbeing of Women believes that research is vital towards ensuring better health for girls and women. Please itemise and describe the requirements fully (e.g., postage, stationery, photocopying). Applicants mustnt exceed the maximum amount of time that can be supported in WTE terms by each award as summarised below: A. The criteria at short-listing and interview for assessing candidates should be derived directly from the person specification, including academic aptitude and commitment to an academic career, and the training and service requirements. By confirming participation, participants are acknowledging their involvement and input into this application and agree to be involved in it. AdvancedFellowshipsapplicants:please select whether you wish to hold the Fellowship on a full-time basis, or part-time basis at 50% WTE or above. . HEI indirect costs cannot be claimed on these shared costs. The Apprenticeship Levy can be included in the salary costs where relevant. Applications for Global Health research are out of remit forNIHRFellowships. Exact dates are available close to the time of opening. For personal doctoral-level awards the proposal: For Advanced Fellowships, early translational (experimental medicine) research is within remit. Fellowship time may also be used to conduct pilot research which will contribute to the proposal. Suitability and commitment of the applicant to a career as a researcher in applied health or social care research. Where exemptions are not already in place, approval to use confidential information without consent must be requested from theHRAwho make decisions with advice from theConfidentiality Advisory Group (CAG). Please note these dates are subject to change. Proposals will most likely involve close collaboration with NIHR-funded research team(s), either building on the work of a single project or linking a number of related projects to support knowledge mobilisation within a particular field. . A. Audio Author Interview (15:37) Neuropsychiatric Ramifications of Severe COVID-19 and Other Severe Acute Respiratory Infections. This participant is only mandatory if you are applying from a devolved nation. NIHR Doctoral Fellowship "The NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship is a brilliant opportunity that I will use to explore how best to improve the prognosis for people with bone and joint infections, without resorting to longer courses of antibiotics, which can cause serious side effects and antibiotic resistance. Potential to become a future leader in applied health or social care research. Applications for Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will additionally be assessed across a further two aspects: Multimorbidity: A priority for global health research. If you would like to discuss this further in relation to your personal circumstances please get in touch with theNIHRusing the details provided above. Advice on how to do this can be obtained from theNIHRCarbon Reduction Guidelines. It is recognised that the outputs in terms of grants and publications will vary depending on your experience, profession and level of award being applied for. Further details aboutLCRN contacts are available. Please note immediate promotion to a higher grade as a result of securing a fellowship will. Doctoral Research Fellowships (DRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs), Transitional Research Fellowships (TRFs), Career Development Fellowships (CDFs), Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) or Clinician Scientist). Please note, this Fellowship is not open to clinical applicants looking to undertake training in research methods. Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. Healthcare Science Doctoral Research Fellowship [NIHR-HCS-D13-04-006] The views expressed . Your data may be shared across the NIHR, including with other coordinating centres, to allow the application to be managed and for statistical analysis, and with external grant reviewers as part of the process for managing the allocation of a grant. A list of relevant knowledge mobilisation and implementation literature is available on the NIHR website although this is not exclusive and applicants may choose to use other related approaches. To be eligible for a NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship you must: Applications open annually in late January/February to start from September the same year to March the following year. For non-clinical applicants the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. Applicants need to demonstrate what new skills and experience they hope to gain through the award, and how it will benefit their future career in research. Please note it is often the case that one of the participants named in this section is also named in the Participants and Signatory section of the form. The NIHR ACF interview evaluation form and guidance may be found in Appendix 6. Applicants are encouraged to draw on the latest thinking and theories that pertain to knowledge creation, dissemination and use. ..and I do mean early. A good quality plain English summary providing an easy to read overview of your whole study will help; If it is felt that your plain English summary is not clear and of a good quality, then you may be required to amend it prior to final funding approval. For example, if you were a Clinical Lecturer and undertook research for 2.5 days a week and clinical/practice work for 2.5 days per week; please enter 50% for that position. Applications to the NIHR Doctoral Fellowship must be based in the UK at their Host Organisation for the duration of the fellowship, except for travel for research, training or development activities as outlined within the proposal. You should follow the instructions in the email to log onto the system. The signatory approval will result in the application being submitted to the NIHR. Four different types of Fellowship are available: These guidance notes provide information for individuals and their host organisations looking to submit an application to the Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship. If the research you are proposing includes a clinical trial, feasibility study or pilot study, or if your area of research is related to clinical trials, you are strongly encouraged to read theNIHRClinical Trials Guide for Traineesbefore starting an application. Please note, all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy. 1Centre for outcomes and experience research in Child Health, Illness and Disability, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children; 2Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre 10.1136/archdischild-2023-gosh.11 Preparing your presentation . This does not include applications to predecessors of this new programme (e.g. For Advanced Fellowships over 3 years in duration there is an expectation of significant additional host organisation support, for example, this could be providing additional research assistant(s) / PhD student(s) to the Fellow if successful. NIHR Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships Round 8 . Roxanne Keynejad outlines the process for applying for an academic clinical fellowship, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these positions, and offers some words of advice from a successful applicant. Award length will change, with the exception of the Development and Skills Enhancement Award which is for 1 year maximum, depending on the WTE proposed. Please itemise and describe fully the costs associated with training and development. All Fellowship applications must be completed and submitted via the online application system. The totals for excess treatment costs and NHS support costs calculated by using the SoECAT can be entered directly into the application form. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Please consider the following questions when completing this section: Please consider the following questions when completing this section: In describing the anticipated impact of the expected outputs on the health and care of patients/service users, carers, the public, and on health and care services, please consider; patient/service users, carer benefit; changes in NHS and/or care service (including efficiency savings); commercial return (which could contribute to economic growth). Publicly funded health or social care bodies may be providers or commissioners of services. access, payments, training). The development, adaptation or updating of outcome measures questionnaires or surveys can be considered as part of a larger project or programme of work. Travel and subsistence costs relating to dissemination should also be included here, as should costs relating to overseas travel. It is important that applicants propose to make a significant contribution to the research literature on knowledge mobilisation as well as to the practice of knowledge mobilisation. The NIHR reserves the right to question any costs deemed excessive, and, Contributions for individuals providing research support (previously referred to as mentors), supervisors and/or other collaborators involved in the research, Whole or significant percentages of support posts over and above those permitted by the scheme, Technical or research support staff whose costs are funded through institutional indirect costs (HEIs only), This section includes journey costs, subsistence and dissemination costs, including conference fees. The application will not be submitted to the NIHR for consideration until all the required signatory has approved the final version. It will normally only be possible to apply to the same Fellowship a maximum of two times. HEIs are permitted to claim estate and other indirect costs. If there are no NHS Support or Excess Treatment Costs associated with the research, you must explain why you think this is the case. Reduced opportunities to career support e.g., mentorship, and limited opportunities to undertake prior research and training. To browse the NIHR site please use a modern, secure browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. TheNIHRFellowship programme supports individuals with the potential and on a trajectory to become future leaders inNIHRresearch. These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). The amount of support requested (both financial and duration of the Fellowship) is justified and evidence based. Potential applicants from Wales or Northern Ireland must consult with their national Research and Development (R&D) office before applying (further information is available in the eligibility section of these notes). These are the additional patient/service user/carer care costs associated with the research, which would end once the R&D activity in question has stopped, even if the service involved continues to be provided. Staff costs should include basic salary and on-costs for each member of staff involved and it should be made clear within the justification section what role each member of staff has within the context of the personal award application and the time they will spend on the award. NIHR wants to know about any circumstances so that they may take them into consideration during the assessment of your application. Please upload a completed SoECAT form that has been signed off by an AcoRD Specialist. For Advanced applicants this . Wellbeing of Women is the womens health charity saving and changing the lives of women, girls and babies. Awards can only be undertaken with the WTE options given. The Advanced Fellowship will include the option for clinical/practice applicants to include between up to 40% clinical/practice time that will be covered by the Fellowship. Up to 2 Doctoral Fellowships or Advanced Fellowships, Name: Martin CordinerRole: Funding ManagerE-Mail: martin.cordiner@nhs.netTel: 0207 566 2565Moorfields Eye Charity website. For example, if your research is expected to start on 1 October 2023 then its second year starts 1 October 2024. 20%) may be allocated to clinical/practice time for service and/or training. These items should be research specific, not just general office costs which should be covered by indirect costs. Please ensure you have read the relevant guidance above before selecting your responses to these questions. NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are designed to support people who are looking to start or advance a career in health and social care research methodology, specifically in one of the following areas: Applicants without a Masters degree should use the Fellowship to undertake a Masters degree in one of the areas listed. With both awards it will also be possible to undertake the Fellowship at less than 100% WTE which can accommodate clinical/practice work paid for from another source. Travel and subsistence costs relating to dissemination should also be included here, as should costs relating to overseas travel. We will consider funding the development of models where there is a case for service need or patient/service user/carer/public benefit. have a proposed host who is an English Higher . Once funding for a Fellowship has been discussed and agreed, NIHR will confirm the financial arrangements with the host organisation. Please include the following: Please describe the impact this fellowship will have on your career, noting a fellowship should provide you with a step change in your career trajectory. Name:KaminiShahRole:Head of Research 424 1893Diabetes website. Details of all relevant grants obtained in the last five years should be provided, including personal research training awards or Fellowships, plus any additional previous grants relevant to this application. Research which is aimed only at furthering understanding of the underlying biology and physiology of disease, including research into disease mechanisms is not within remit. Please note that the Welsh Government will only support a limited number of successful applications per year. Outputs from previous research experience and training relative to career stage and background. Amelia Talbot - Early Career Representative, Medical - LinkedIn Applicants should use the list below to check that they have included the necessary information prior to submitting their application. The following is a list of potential elements/headings that might be included depending on the design of the proposed research, the setting and programme being applied to, and whether it is for primary research or evidence synthesis. Individuals previously granted an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Fellowship or an NIHR Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellowship. NHS Support Costs, including costs for social care research, are funded via Clinical Research Networks. This excludes people from medicine and dentistry, but includes those from . If you have applied for a Doctoral or Advanced Fellowship you wont be able to apply again in the round that opens 6 months later and will need to wait until at least the round which opens 12 months after your first application. If your application for funding is successful, the summary will be used on the NIHR and other websites. You will need to seek expert advice from the organisation purchasing the equipment regarding its VAT status. If you are interested Assistance is primarily focused around refinement of research questions, research design and methodological support. The finance section should provide a breakdown of costs associated with undertaking the research as described in the proposal. Overview of research methods to capture data from participants and their frequency e.g. NIHR Fellowships, to quote Dawn Biram from the Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) who spoke, fund research and training to develop the research leaders of the future. Costs relating to conference attendance will be funded at up to 100% for all employing/host organisation types. fellowship interview. If a cost relates to travel, subsistence or fees for a conference please select conference. Clinician scientist fellowship - Swindon - NERC - the Natural Any study that uses observational and applied epidemiological methods should be an evaluation of an intervention itself, or have a clear, credible and articulated trajectory to further research within NIHR programme remits.

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